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Final written reflection and brief report

In the past few months, students have been working on their final year project, which is to set a theme and produce a song of more than ten minutes. The following is my detailed report.

Project theme

My theme revolves around mental illness, and I hope to tell the story of the mentally ill's state of mind and life through the songs I produce and to make people around me more aware of the mentally ill.

The reason I chose this theme is that when I was a child I suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder, which caused my life to change dramatically. It included many unpleasant experiences and many heartwarming memories, all of which became the nourishment for my growth. So I wanted to use my past experiences with mental illness as a basis to create a work with the theme that I felt most deeply and sincerely. After completing the work, the work remains true to the theme.

Song summarize

In this project, I compiled three songs, which talk about life and death (Heart Beat), OCD (強逼心理), and confusion (LiveeviL), the following will explain in detail the content of the songs and production techniques:

  • A death experiment-Heart Beat (Song01)

There is always a negative side to life, and when one is in a state of collapse and encounters an unacceptable life situation, perhaps everyone will become depressed, lose motivation, and in the worst case, even think of seeking death.


Heart Beat takes you to a place where you are lying in a hospital room, listening to a poignant piano and feeling the electronic music like a cry. After death comes a new beginning, and this is HeartBeat's second goal. We hope to dedicate this song to all of you who are living a life full of emotions and to bring out your feelings when you listen to it so that you can relieve yourself.

  • From despair to hope-強逼心理 (Song02)

This song is about my own experience with OCD when I was a child. At that time, I was unhappily ostracized by my classmates because of OCD, my body had different side effects due to long-term medication, my body kept twitching but I couldn't control it, my parents' lack of understanding, and other problems that led to the accumulation of many negative emotions, and I became pessimistic about all things. It was only when I started to get in touch with music that I gradually let my emotions out and opened up, rekindled the light of life, and started to try to live on.

The song is a combination of Japanese and future bass genres, the song will feature many sound designs and arrangements of western melodic pop and Japanese future bass music. Regarding harmony, the song uses the two melodies "mi" and "fa" as root notes, this is the harmony that Japanese music would like to appear in the movie. For example, in the Japanese movie "Your Name", the song "スパークル-火花" written by the band Radwimps also uses the melody "mi" and "fa" as the root sound, it brings out a feeling of hope and fantasy.

Regarding the sound design, I used different sounds to express the elements of "childhood" and "chaos", and most of the song will have the sound of "cuckoo clock", this is the sound of a toy that I keep wandering around the song. In addition, I also put a small amount of recorded sound from the cartoon to create the percussion, so as to emphasize the element of "childhood". The element of "chaos" is expressed by the heavy and rich sound of the growl bass. In addition, there is a vocal chop at the end of the song that suggests the repetitive behavior of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The autotune is a representation of your own thoughts on life, in the first verse of the song, the lyrics are about negative thoughts of the past, while the second verse is about positive thoughts of the future.

In the song, the vocal has three stages, lofi, normal, and autotune. Lofi stands for memories, and the lyrics are about physical conditions and the negative feelings others have about themselves. The normal voice is representative of the problems you face because of obsessive-compulsive disorder, such as the emotional ups and downs of polarities, the habit of counting time, and so on.

  • Find the answer in the loop cycle-LiveeviL (Song03)

The Loop cycle is the problem we face every day in life, whether we are children or adults, we get lost, we settle, we think, we revive, and so on. Although it keeps repeating, "Live" also has to face different "Evil" at the same time, but we will still find the answer in the loop cycle and find our own goal direction and meaning in different stages of growth, this is the theme of LiveeviL.


This song has a special place, I recorded myself screaming and then distorted those sounds into an electronic-heavy ambiance to create the "Evil" of the song which represents the gossip of life. For "Live", I used my own guitar, which means courage and affirmation. Vocal-wise, I put in very heavy reverb to create a sense of confusion.

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